Mother-K LIFE Coffee Machine Descaler & Cleaner, 350 ml


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53 In stock


1. Remove the capsule, grounds container, and coffee beans from the machine.
2. Follow the instructions of the descaling program of the coffee machine to start the descaling function.
3. First fill 300ml of water and 50ml of cleaner into the water tank and start the cleaning mode.
4. Clean the coffee residue around the coffee outlet with a napkin/cloth. The coffee machine is warm during cleaning, so be careful not to burn yourself.
5. At the end of the descaling program, rinse the water tank of the coffee machine with clean water.
6. After filling the water tank with drinking water, repeat the cleaning program to rinse the coffee machine system.
(1.6 ml of concentrated solution is used with 10 ml of water)

The DATE OF PRODUCTION is indicated on the product.
The product is valid for 36 months. from the date of manufacture.

First aid:
1. Be careful about skin contact. In case of contact with skin, wash immediately with water.
2. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with clean, cool running water. If you experience any problems, consult your doctor.
3. If you have ingested the product, take emergency measures and seek medical attention immediately.

Pirmoji pagalba:
1. Būkite atsargūs dėl sąlyčio su oda. Jei pateko ant odos, nedelsiant nuplaukite vandeniu.
2. Jei pateko į akis, gerai išskalaukie švariu vėsiu tekančiu vandeniu. Jei atsiranda kokių nors sutrikimų, kreipkitės į gydytoją.
3. Jei išgėrėte gaminio, imkitės skubių priemonių ir nedelsiant kreipkitės į gydytoją.

1. Keep out of the reach of children.
2. Close the cap tightly after use and store in a cool, dry place.
3. Store at room temperature. If frozen, store at room temperature until thawed, shaken and ready to use.

Purified Water, Ethanol (Spirit), Citric Acid, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bicarbonate, Polysorbate 20, Sodium Citrate.

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